In each cycle, cities with outstanding urban initiatives are selected as Special Mentions to further the sharing of these lessons.
Cape Town exemplifies resilience through agile governance, navigating crises for a sustainable future. |
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Boston exemplifies a whole-of-society effort to transform the city. |
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Rio de Janeiro injected new life into its central area and waterfront via innovative policies. |
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Toronto excels in social integration and its ambitious Waterfront Toronto initiative, revitalising its core. |
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Vancouver demonstrates strong visioning, community values and long-term planning. |
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Ahmedabad enjoys early successes in implementing a comprehensive city plan. |
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Surabaya is an emerging city that appreciates its culture and preserves its kampung neighbourhoods. |
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Tokyo is a well-managed megacity despite its large and seemingly ungovernable size. |
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Yokohama overcame urban challenges through excellent partnership with its citizens and stakeholders. |
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Antwerp shows that its strategic urban interventions can help to rejuvenate the city. |
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Copenhagen & Malmö demonstrate close collaboration and a shared vision across borders. |
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Hamburg is a port city that overcame planning challenges to become a welcoming city of opportunities. |
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Kazan overcame youth crimes and health issues to transform into a healthy and harmonious city. |
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Lisbon demonstrates a dramatic resurgence over the past decade despite limited resources. |
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Auckland overcame planning challenges through a highly integrated and innovative governance model. |
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Brisbane transformed itself from a ‘country town’ blighted by urban decay into a vibrant metropolis. |
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Melbourne epitomises resilience, innovation and liveability, even amidst pandemic challenges. |
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Sydney demonstrates strong leadership, commitment, and partnership with its citizens and stakeholders. |
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Wellington champions urban-nature harmony with citizen-led conservation. |
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Individuals & organisations (defunct)
The first two editions of the Prize accepted nominations from individuals and organisations. Since 2014, the Prize accepted nominations from cities only.
AHT Group AG & Sun Development prevents violence in Khayelitsha, Cape Town through its comprehensive Urban Upgrading Programme. |
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Dr Jaime Lerner implemented impactful urban solutions during his term as mayor of Curitiba and governor of Paraná. |
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Sheila Dikshit has helped to improve the living environment of Delhi through various implementations. |
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